Other Countries (6th Heisei Nabe Gassen)Japanese
(Last update: October 24, 2001)

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Other Countries (6 kinds)
Korea "Tattoritan" (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
300 yen per a bowl.
They took part in this event from the 5th festival in 2000. They cook chicken.
Tattortian (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
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Chupe (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
(a picture at the 5th festival.)
Peru "Chupe" (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
300 yen per a bowl.
They took part in this event from the 5th festival in 2000. It is like a cream chowder, they boil lobsters, crabs, rice and Japanese konnyaku for a long time with milk and cream.
Chinese "Kaisen Nabe" (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
300 yen per a bowl.
They took part in this event from the 4th festival in 1999. They boil many variety of seafood.
"Kaisen Nabe"
Kaisen Nabe (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
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Kanjya de Garinya
Kanjya de Garinya (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
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Brazil "Kanjya de Garinya" (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
300 yen per a bowl.
They took part in this event from the 5th festival in 2000. It is like a rice gruel with tomato based soup.
Rumania "Choruba" (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
300 yen per a bowl.
They took part in this event from this year. It look like a soup with chicken and tomato. It seemed taht a student who go to Yamagata University to study cooked it.
Choruba (International Exchange Association in Tendo)
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"Buta Kimuchi Nabe"
Buta Kimuchi
(a picture at the 5th festival.)
Korea "Buta Kimuchi" (International Exchange Association in Tozawa)
300 yen per a bowl.
They took part in this event from the 5th festival in 2000. Many bride comes Tozawa village in Yamagata from the Republic of Korea. It looks very hot, I think that it is good to eat in cold winter.

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